Grade 9
Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs.
October 1, 2018HS-PS1-6
Refine the design of a chemical system by specifying a change in conditions that would produce increased amounts of products at equilibrium. include calculating equilibrium constants and concentrations.]
October 1, 2018HS-PS1-7
Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.
October 1, 2018HS-PS1-8
Develop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of the atom and the energy released during the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactive decaysment does not include quantitative calculation of energy released. Assessment is limited to alpha, beta, and gamma radioactive decays.].
October 1, 2018HS-PS2-1
Analyze data to support the claim that Newton?s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration.
October 1, 2018HS-PS2-2
Use mathematical representations to support the claim that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system.
October 1, 2018HS-PS2-3
Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision.
October 1, 2018HS-ETS1-1
Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
October 1, 2018HS-ETS1-2
Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
October 1, 2018HS-ETS1-3
Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
October 1, 2018HS-ETS1-4
Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world problem with numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between systems relevant to the problem.
October 1, 2018HS-LS1-1
Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins which carry out the essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells.
October 1, 2018