Smart Light – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

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Studio 5
Studio 5
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


During this workshop, young participants will create a bulb using LED, battery, cardboard, conductive tape and acrylic discs.

What You'll Need

Lesson Plan: English

Lesson Plan: Arabic


Illustrator file for laser cut

• Conductive Tape


• Glue

• Skewers

• CR2032 Battery

• Milky white Acrylic (2.8mm) for laser cutting

• Cardboard (~2.5mm) for laser cutting


The Instructions


Follow through the presentation to understand on how to create your own Smart Light!


What is a Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab)?



What types of machines exist within a FabLab?



Here are the 4 zones in the Studio5 FabLab.



What is Electricity?



What is an Electric Circuit?



Let us watch an informative video that explains it all!



Now that you have watched the video, what are the components required in an Electric Circuit?



This is what an Open Circuit looks like.



And when you close your circuit, the light turns on!



What is a Conductor?

Conductors are the materials or substances which allow electricity to flow through them.



So..What are conductive tapes?



Here is a circuit created with conductive tapes. Is this an open or closed circuit?



You were right! Now here is the closed circuit.



What is energy conservation?



Here is a chart of different sources of light and their energy efficiency. 


Let's build your Smart Light!


Firstly, laser cut your acrylic and cardboard discs accordingly.



You should all have the following materials in order to create your Smart Light.



Step 1: Stick Conductive Tape on the labelled cardboard disc 6 as instructed in the diagram



Step 2: Stick Conductive Tape on the labelled cardboard disc 7 as instructed in the diagram



Step 3: Stick Conductive Tape and LED on the labelled cardboard disc 8 as instructed in the diagram