In the early years students must develop sequencing skills. These skills help young learners to logically structure language and writing. It’s essential to effective oral and written communication.
Lesson Summary
Sequence via the Code is designed to help students develop and practice correct sequencing steps and language using words like FIRST, NEXT, THEN and FINALLY.
This lesson includes 5 steps.
1. Showing an example of the project to be completed
2. An introduction to ‘Scratch’ and its features
3. Write using sequential language
4. Creating a story on ‘Scratch’ to be shared with others
The objective of the lesson is for students (across grade levels) to logically organize oral and written communication, learn simple coding with Scratch and develop executive functioning skills such as organization, planning, time management and self regulation.
Careful consideration should be given to students age and executive functioning skills. Be sure to scaffold lesson according to the digital literacy of the students you are teaching
Formative assessment at each step will support student learning.
Utilize the resources attached to prepare for the lesson.
Share the learning objectives with the students (Practice sequencing using Scratch). Share the video that I created and allow them time to see the video and my coding.
What is Scratch and how does it work?
Students will use the Scratch features as inspiration on the topic they will write in order. E.g. how to brush your teeth, how to make a piece of toast, how to dress for the beach/sledding…
Students will create their short story on Scratch
Teachers Pay Teachers – Bee-Bot lesson on sequencing the stages of pollination
Introducing Kids to Coding – 6 minute video – STEAM activity on thinking things through/planning before doing.
New to Scratch – tutorial for teachers and students
International Event in December – The Hour of Code – Advertisement to this event focused on block based coding
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