Objectives and /or Goals
Develop a Prosthetic Arm and Hand using common materials and 3D printing. Students will explore design, construction, teamwork, and materials selection and use. Groups will follow the Engineering Design Process.
Step 1. Define–
Follow the Engineering Design Process
Participating teams of three or four students are provided with a material listed below. Each team must use the materials to design and build a working robot arm. The robot arm must be at least 12 inches in length and be able to pick up an empty Solo cup carry it 50 centimeters then turn it over. Students may not use their fingers inside the prosthesis to make the prosthesis fingers pick up the cup.
Step 2. Research-
Each team will have the following available but will only receive material they can show they need in design, groups may ask for additional material if they can proof of need;
Popsicle sticks
Rubber bands
Required 3D printed parts that make the arm functional
Complete group project. Click here
Each team will have the following available but will only receive material they can show they need in design; groups may ask for additional material if they can proof of need; Popsicle sticks String Tape Cardboard Hangers Rubber bands Required 3D printed parts that make the arm functional List at least 3 Research Links that were used to understand prosthesis.
All lessons are scaffold to give students a base for the final part of the unit, a good example is a biomedical project for 7th grade in design and building a 3D printed prosthetic hand. 1. What is a prosthesis? 2. View examples and TED talks 3. Create a working finger or leg using basic things like rubber bands and Popsicle sticks, 4. Introduce TinkerCad and how to 3D model and 3D print 5. Introduce the Objective of the project - Develop a Prosthetic Arm and Hand using common materials and 3D printing. Students will explore design, construction, teamwork, and materials selection and use. Groups will follow the Engineering Design Process. 6. Review project and assign group and individual responsibilities see-https://dwteach.com/docs/7thgradeonly/ProthesisArmv2.pdf 7. Sign off checkpoints 8. Final galley walk and evaluation with an authentic audience
Students complete scaffolding assignments and are placed into groups with each person being assigned a specific responsibility for their part of the project,
Students work through the EDP with graded checkpoints that they cannot move on from unit those checkpoints are completed.
Complete each step of the EDP and stop at the graded checkpoints. teams may move on from unit those checkpoints are completed.
Final presentation to an authentic audience.
Teams do a gallery walk and meet with an authentic audience giving their final presentation as a group.
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