Neuroscience Micro-bit (Neuro-Bit) – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Electronics.1
Additional Contributors


Studio 5
Studio 5
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


On-Site session aims to deliver the knowledge of how neurons works (How the electrical signals are transmitted from the brain to the rest of the body) . In order to demonstrate a Neuron network.



What You'll Need

We will need :

1- Micro-Bit Board

2- Wires

3- Power-Bit Wrest band

4- Presentation

The Instructions


In this section, we introduce the participant to the place and to the topic of the session.

1- We will start with an Ice-Breaking question.

2- Then we will ask them about the need of being inspired.

3- Then we will let them tell us about how the thoughts are formed inside their head.

4- Thoughts are a chemical release in the brain, which generate an electrical signal in the neurons, This signal will propagate like a wave to thousands of neurons.