MESH: Makers Education Science Hack – SCOPES-DF


Mariona Cíller 🦊
FAB Learning Academy


The MESH program (Makers Education Social Hack) is an initiative of SokoTech aimed at trainers who work with young people in programs for social inclusion. It aims to launch a scalable experience for libraries, athenaeums, civic centers, schools and other public or private facilities. It consists of an online and universal access training program based on the Maker philosophy and open source ethical tools. From digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping seeks to generate emancipatory learning environments for young people. Each of the following knowledge capsules has been developed by references in Maker education and social inclusion.


Our goal is for each trainer or trainer to learn through these 9 modules and be able to awaken interests, passions and strengths in young people, putting at their disposal the latest technologies, knowledge and skills that allow them to carry out a project of interest for them and their community.


MESH starts with a pilot in collaboration with the Pare Manel Foundation in the neighborhoods of Verdum and Roquetas (Barcelona) and the support of the City Council of Barcelona.

What You'll Need

Resources to translate modules from Spanish to English and to spread the knowledge (videos and modules in tool kit) within the Fab Lab Network, Public and Private Institutions.

The Instructions

Internet: History, Infrastructure, Neutrality, Browsers, Mesh Networks and the Future of the Internet

Introduction to the history of the Internet, the functioning of the network of networks, mesh networks and the future of the Internet. The module will conclude with a practical workshop that will bring trainers to the world of web design and development with the creation of a web space to share / document the projects developed in the next modules. This module will also reveal the importance and necessity of documenting the projects.

Introduction to free and ethical technology tools

In this module we will explore the world of software and free hardware, its history and its relevance in the Maker world.

Basic digital security and privacy

Every day we generate digital data. To improve digital security and guarantee our privacy, you need to know how navigation on the internet, password management and instant messaging works. In this theoretical-practical course we will learn to protect digital data and improve our practices.

Methodologies and Practices of Design

Methodologies and best practices in the field of design to develop projects, teaching materials and plans to design programs and provide workshops. In this module, trainers will be able to acquire the tools to design projects that will then be applied to their long-term programs with youth groups.

2D and 3D Design (Inkscape, Gimp & Blender)

In this module we will discover the basic concepts of computer graphics, from 2D drawing to 3D modeling. We can design objects immediately.

Vinyl and Laser Cutting

Using the knowledge acquired in the first module such as drawing 2D, we will learn to make vinyl stickers with the vinyl cutter, and we will also learn how to create objects and assemble structures without the use of glue or screws with the laser cutter and the techniques of press adjustment.

3D Printing and Scanning

In this module we will test different technologies for 3D scanning and then we can model parts for 3D printing, print them using 3D (FDM) and resin (SLS) printers.

Electronics and Programming

An introduction to the world of electronics and the universe of microcontrollers. We will learn to write a program, to compile it and upload it with Arduino. We will discover how to interact with the environment with LEDs, motors and sensors while programming with our computer.

Art and Creative Technologies

The role of art and creativity is essential in order to generate narratives that help us to understand all the other subjects. During a whole day the trainers will participate in a workshop to create kinetic sculptures with which to understand the concepts STE(A)M transported for an artistic and creative project and be able to use art as a critical tool.


  • (11-12.RH.2): Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
  • (11-12.RST.7): Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
  • (11-12.RST.5): Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas.
  • (11-12.RST.7): Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
  • (11-12.RST.1): Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
  • (11-12.RST.2): Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.

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