Make your Fan Smart – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
HSG.GMD.A1, HSG.GMD.B4, Fab-Safety.2, Fab-Programming.2, Fab-Electronics.2, Fab-Fabrication.2, Fab-Design.2, MS-ETS1-2


DIY lab Vigyan Ashram
DIY lab Vigyan Ashram
Informal educator
DIY lab is an innovative way of learning space where the learning methodology is research based. It encourages the students to solve their own day to day life challenges by applying their ideas with guidance of subject experts and using… Read More
FAB Learning Academy


In this Workshop students will learn how to make Automatic Fan ON & Off by detecting Temp. by using Arduino, Relay, Temp. Sensor.

Students will learn what is Arduino, Inputs and Outputs, Temp. Sensor concepts.

Along with this concepts they will study laser cutter and software used for laser cutting

Learning Objectives are

·      To motivate students to think on unwanted consumption of electricity

·      To understand how to calculate energy consumption of electric appliances

·      To introduce about Concepts of Arduino, sensors and programming.

·      To introduce Laser Cutter and Machine Software.

·      To learn group discussion

·      To understand units and measurements

What You'll Need

–      Arduino UNO

–      Relay

–      Temp. Sensor

–      Wires

–      Adapter 9V 1A

–     Laser Cutter

–      Soldering Gun

–      Wire Cutter / Stripper

The Instructions

Ask students to see where we do wastage of electricity.

Teacher note- Encourage students to participate in discussion

Students will come with different answers. One of them will be running of fan unnecessarily even if room temperature comes down.

Discuss effect on environment due to electricity generation by conventional way

Ask students to discuss How electricity production affects environment ? , what is suitable temperature to human body and how we can avoid unwanted running of fan. 

Introduce students to sensors, Arduino , relay and required things

Teacher note – Give sensor modules and let students to play with it.Refer ppt attached


There is analogy in our body sensors and electronics sensor it works similarly. Arduino is similar to our brain and other body sensors are similar to electronic sensors.

choose right sensor

Now we have idea of different sensors so choose right one for our work.We want to sense temperature and there are different sensors available.

Do Survey

Teacher note -motivate students to do survey

Lets see available temperature sensors in market. See its reliability , cost and easy interface to arduino

Lets arduino talk with sensors

Now its time to programming

Teacher note- Introduce arduino programming to students. Initially start with LED blink. Ask students to do modification in code and to see its effect.As they will able to do modification as per requirement teacher can go for harder programming. After students understanding teacher can ask students to go for interfacing of selected sensor with arduino . Here we have chosen DHT22 temperature sensor.

Assemble electronics

Assemble all electronics and see whether it is working or not. Test functionality of device. Connect mains to fan through relay. Relay is going to turn ON and OFF as per temperature. Make connection of Arduino, Relay & Temp. Sensor. – Vcc of Temp. Sensor & Relay to 5V of Arduino. – Data pin of Temp. Sensor connect with pin 2 of Arduino. – GND of Temp. Sensor & GND of Relay connect with GND of Arduino. – IN pin of Relay connect with 7 pin of Arduino. – NO pin of Relay connect to +ve wire of fan. – COM of Relay connect with +ve of 9V 1A adapter. – -ve of fan & -ve of 9V 1A adapter make short.


Connection of Arduino & Temp. sensor

Arduino(A) to Temp. sensor(T)

(A)5V to (T) Vcc

(A)Pin to (T) Data

(A)GND to (T) GND

Connection of Arduino & Relay    Module

Arduino (A) to Relay Module(R)

(A) 5V to (R)Vcc

(A) Pin to (R) 7 IN

(A) GND to (R) GND

Connection of other side of Relay,  Fan & Adapter (it is the supply provided to fan to run normaly).

Relay(R) Fan(F) and Adapter(Ad)

(R)NO to (F) +ve

(R)COM to (Ad) +ve

(F) -ve to (Ad) -ve





Lets Design

If your electronics is working fine then go for its enclosure. Teacher note- Give time to students to explore that software by asking them to draw design of casing for their temperature detection system. Students will take measurements and they will draw casing in their note book. Ask students to draw same thing in 2D software. Make sure that students are taking right measurements and units. If required then introduce them with units.


Cut the Design Files in Laser cutter.

Introduce laser cutter

Introduce students to machine software and ask them to observe machine mechanism. Discuss machine functioning with students and introduce them with machine parts

Make final assembly of Automatic Fan ON & Off by detecting Temp.

Teacher note- After completion install the system with students and take fun of making. You can see this project over here . It is in local language Marathi but you can see its functioning.


  • (HSG.GMD.A1): Give an informal argument for the formulas for the circumference of a circle, area of a circle, volume of a cylinder, pyramid, and cone. Use dissection arguments, Cavalieri's principle, and informal limit arguments.
  • (HSG.GMD.B4): Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects.
  • (Fab-Safety.2): I can operate equipment in a Fab Lab following safety protocols.
  • (Fab-Programming.2): I can create a program with more than one instruction.
  • (Fab-Electronics.2): I can follow a schematic diagram and create a circuit including a microcontroller with electronic components.
  • (Fab-Fabrication.2): I can develop workflows across four or more of the following: modeling softwares, programming environments, fabrication machines, electronic components, material choices, or assembly operations.
  • (Fab-Design.2): I can participate in design reviews with prepared presentation materials as well as give and receive feedback from peers.
  • (MS-ETS1-2): Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

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