Makers create Thaumatropes with low tech methods and materials. Suitable for fab lab projects from home.
Materials- Use what you have at your house, improvise as necessary!
Cardboard or tag board (cereal box thickness),
2 Rubber Bands of similar size,
A tracer or compass to draw your circles: 2” to 3” is good
Drawing supplies, Glue, Ruler, Scissors, and a Hole punch
Make and Animate- The Thaumatrope People have been manufacturing their own toys and animations long before electricity. Now it’s your turn to make a simple one, called a Thaumatrope.
A What??? Read more about it here: Thaumatrope
When was the first one created? By who? What was the inspiration?
There are many different types, I’m challenging you to make another model after you create this one! Do some research and share photos of your creations with your class.
Use the materials you gathered and your image plans.
Procedure- This is only one way to do it…
What happens to the image when you twist faster to flip the circles faster? Twist slower?
Describe what you saw – compare the results.
Twist the Thaumatrope while blinking frequently.
Describe what happened.
Why do you think the image appears connected or separated?
Do some internet research- what is going on?
Submit the answers for the above challenges and questions to your teacher in a google document.
Design at least two more thaumatropes, make them, and share them!
Assessment Checklist:
Fab I Can Standards Addressed
Design 1, Modelling 1 and 2, Fabrication 1, Safety 1 and 2
NYS Science Learning Standards Addressed
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