Create poetry from magnetic pieces that have scraps of code on them, such as ++ *= for ( and { as well as more usual poetry words that are code related.
Students will be able to make meaning out of programming syntax
One set of magnetic poetry is hard to come up with a whole-class lesson for. I did, however, find that having the magnetic poetry available to students in their free time encouraged questions about what different scraps of code meant, and telling students encouraged them to come up with different poems. I also noticed that using the poetry helped cement these ideas, and students were better able to use them in the future. Additionally, other teachers realized how they might use these concepts for their own subjects, and the poetry looked great on the board.
Give students an idea of what code poetry can look like.
Students write their own poetry
Students read and comment on each others poetry
Give students some time to think about what they learned through this process, and solidify that knowledge.
Have students answer the following questions in their design journal:
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