KIT:CUT - Laser Book – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Subjects *
Age Ranges *
Fab-Safety.1, Fab-Modeling.1, Fab-Design.1


Matteo Viscogliosi
Matteo Viscogliosi
Fablab manager
Born in Atina, a small town in the Apennines, I have always shown great interest in the details that make up and characterize a space, hence the will to challenge myself with the study of architecture. I attended the Faculty… Read More
FAB Learning Academy


Think or invent a story. Let yourself be guided by the emotions evoked by colours and shapes defined by Kandinsky (triangles, circles and squares). Use the forms to create the storytelling for every pages and share it.

The forms can be recomposed,to be “read” differently every time for a never ending experience.

What You'll Need

Four different colors of paper, white, blue, red and yellow

The Instructions

KIT:CUT Laser book

Think or invent a story. Let yourself be guided by the emotions evoked by colours and shapes defined by Kandinsky (triangles, circles and squares). Use the forms to create the storytelling for every pages and share it. The forms can be recomposed, to be “read” differently every time for a never ending experience.

-Introduction of Fablab, digital manufacturing technologies and tools for the two-dimensional design. Description and practical demonstrations

-Let’s choose the story, students are asked to think of a story to tell, real or imaginary

-Draw or built the characters. While learning to draw with digital graphics software,

students design objects, characters and forms that will animate the story, paying attention to emotion and feeling to be transmitted with shapes and colors.

-With the help of laser cut, students produce and assemble their characters.

-Composition and reading. Students will create the book by assembling the components made during the workshop, paying attention to the colors and shapes that will tell their story. Accompanied by the teachers, a collective reading of realized books will be done. In this way the free interpretation of shapes and colors becomes evident, showing all the results obtained, analyzing their differences and peculiarities.



  • (Fab-Safety.1): I can safely conduct myself in a Fab Lab and observe operations under instructor guidance.
  • (Fab-Modeling.1): I can arrange and manipulate simple geometric elements, 2D shapes, and 3D solids using a variety of technologies.
  • (Fab-Design.1): I can be responsible for various activities throughout a design process within a group under instructor guidance.

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