Imagine future of jobs collage toy – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

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Fab-Modeling.1, Fab-Fabrication.1, Fab-Design.1
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If the world in the future will change very fast . How is future jobs look like?

For kids who want to speculate about the future of their job in a relaxed way. We have adapted the learning process in a speculative toy by using collage techniques. This way the kids have unlimited time and freedom to imagine their future jobs by creating collages combining different stickers. 


This way, our aim is to scale the learning process into something that the users can make individually in their own free time. So we design this paper collage as a toy that facilitates kids to speculate about the future of jobs. Collage techniques can ignite imagination and enable creativity in children by helping them make unexpected combinations in a playful way. The toy function is to provide children with the ability to adapt themselves in a variety of fantastic future worlds by using different components and nourish their imagination in the process.


The toy function is providing users to create jobs and adapt themselves in a variety of fantastic future worlds by using 6 catalogs of materials to make collage on the future world card. Don’t have limited time. Users can play in their free time.

What You'll Need

A4 paper


vinyl cutter (optional)

scissor, cutter





The Instructions

prepare material

it is the way to prepare your toy by printing and cutting

Download material file and future world cards file. Then print every file on A4 papers. On print paper, your will see dotted line for cutting. you have to use scissor or cutter cut along the dotted line. If you have vinyl cutter you can you vinyl cutter instead scissor, cutter because it will save your time.




create you jobs

after material is ready. Let create your own future job in variety future world by use a piece of material put on the future world card and write the name of jobs on the future world card.


after material is ready. You will see 8 different future world cards and 6 catalogs of materials. Then it is time to create your own future job in variety future world. you can pick any future world card that you interest and use a piece of material put on the future world card stick by glue. and write the name of jobs on the future world card. try to imagine your future jobs with another future world cards.


connect the time line

if you see the future world card you will see time in the card, this is the way to join time line together

You will see the future world have different timeline. When you finish, You can make your future world kingdom by connecting timeline of the cards and put it together by glue.


  • (Fab-Modeling.1): I can arrange and manipulate simple geometric elements, 2D shapes, and 3D solids using a variety of technologies.
  • (Fab-Fabrication.1): I can follow instructor guided steps that link a software to a machine to produce a simple physical artifact.
  • (Fab-Design.1): I can be responsible for various activities throughout a design process within a group under instructor guidance.

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