Higher Education Goals- HBCU Pennant – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Safety.2, Fab-Modeling.2, Fab-Fabrication.2, Fab-Design.2


Katy Perry
K-12 teacher
Schenectady School District Brilliant Careers Mobile Fab Lab Coordinator, STEAM Mentor, and Science TeacherSchenectady NY, USA Read More


Students are going to learn about Historically Black Colleges and Universities and help educate their high school community about the importance of HBCUs.

This lesson was authored by Corinna Heggen, Schenectady High School, Schenectady, NY.


They will select a HBCU to research and produce a descriptive “one-pager” to display together in school. (The one pager will include a QR code linking directly to each school for students to scan and learn more.) The focus of the research can be tailored to the needs of the individual class/school. Students will use digital design programs to add graphics and artists composition to the QR coded one pager.


Students, using first sketching and then digital design, will create a Pennant that represents the college they are researching. This is a visual representation of the college that can be displayed around the school. The pennant will be cut using the vinyl cutter for application on tile, cloth, or boards.




What You'll Need

Students need resource materials for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, print and online.

Students need computers, graphic design software, vinyl cutter, and weeding tools for the HCBU pennant.

Students need computers, graphic design software, and a color printer for the one page HCBU poster.

Optional: tiles, fabric, mugs, board, etc. for pennants

The Instructions

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Pennant and Poster

The goal: Educate the school community about Historically Black Colleges and Universities through creating a display of pennants and posters. Students choose a Historically Black Colleges or University to research. Students will use a vinyl cutter for pennant creation. The pennants can be monochrome or multilayer, depending on the machines and desired outcome. The posters can be printed out or turned into an online slide show/presentation. Both will include a QR code that links to the HBCU's webpage.

The HBCU Pennant:

The Pennant will include the school name, location, logo and a QR code. If students are able to print and cut, color images can be added.

The pennant will be sized for display, quilt squares, tiles, mugs or desired exhibit space.


The HBCU one page Poster:

The poster will include the school name, location, logo, QR code and selected important images.

Students will select important facts, such as majors, cost, programs, initiatives, and culturally significant aspects of the the school to include.


The pennant and poster will help others learn about the HBCU and how it helps students connect to their identities while providing a meaningful education.


An additional option: Service Learning

Pennant stickers can be applied to mugs, with the one pagers tucked inside. The mugs and information can then be distributed to teachers and staff as a token of appreciation and also as a talking piece to spread knowledge and information about HBCU.






  • (Fab-Safety.2): I can operate equipment in a Fab Lab following safety protocols.
  • (Fab-Modeling.2): I can construct compound shapes and multi-part components ready for physical production using multiple representations.
  • (Fab-Fabrication.2): I can develop workflows across four or more of the following: modeling softwares, programming environments, fabrication machines, electronic components, material choices, or assembly operations.
  • (Fab-Design.2): I can participate in design reviews with prepared presentation materials as well as give and receive feedback from peers.

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