Garangao Invitation Card – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

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Studio 5
Studio 5
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


Online unplugged lesson introduces one of the Gulf traditions in Ramadan, By building an invitation card to the event using Scratch platform.


What You'll Need

As the session is online everything is provided below :


The Instructions


We will start by introducing Studio 5\6, then we will be trying to grab the attention of the participant by an ice breaking question, We will also speak briefly about Ramadan.

1- At the beginning of the session we will briefly interact with the participant trying to open a space for them to speak by asking about Ramadan, if they started to fast, what they think about this Ramadan is it easier than the last year and so on.


  • Note: Ramadan is the ninth month in the Muslim calendar where all Muslims are fasting from the sunrise (Fajer) until the sunset (Maghreb), during this period it’s not allowed to eat, drink, or doing bad things that could earn you bad credits (Sayaeá سيئة) or in general (sins).
  • Ramadan is a month encouraging all Muslims to give charity, strengthen our relationship with Allah (God), and show the kindness and the patience.



2- We will then ask the participant about fasting does it improve energy.



  • Most of the participant thinks being hangry means no energy, but it is really wrong when fasting all of your power will be directed towards your objectives (the things you’re doing), you may feel thirsty and hungry, but it’s just in the first day or two days then you will start to focus better on what you are doing as most of the blood is flowing to the brain instead of the stomach to digest food.

3- Then we will introduce the participant to the Garangao.

Garangao is a tradition in the gulf area to celebrate the kids who started fasting.

The celebration is to encourage these kids to keep fasting as they are in the learning process.

Usually kids start fasting from age : 7; but its up to them to fast 1 min or a full day.



4- During this event most of the families collaborate together, and they are giving for their kids and for the other families kids.



  • Gifts usually nuts, candy, and money.


5- Then we will show the participant a video shows the song the kids sing in the event.



Video Link

6- Then we will be asking the participant about their favourite part in the Garangao.