Fragrance Synthesis and Entrepreneurship - Digital Fabrication Mini-PBL – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Subjects *
Age Ranges *
Fab Tools *


Patrick Dean
K-12 teacher


In this Mini-PBL students will take on the role of entrepreneurs in research and developmental chemistry with the goal of synthesizing and promoting their own perfumes and colognes. Students will learn about key chemistry concepts including solutions and intermolecular forces through the distillation of essential oils, and they will practice critical thinking via evaluation of the fragrance synthesis process and its pitfalls. Students will engage in digital fabrication through the development of an original product design logo that they will fabricate using a mini CNC carving device. Students will have an opportunity to showcase their products to the the 10th Grade Class.

What You'll Need

-chemistry distillation equipment

-mini CNC device

-natural materials to distill

The Instructions

See attachments

The attachments include the comprehensive plan for the mini-PBL project.

Adapt the rubric and pacing guide to fit your class.


  • (HS-PS2-6): Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials.

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