FLA Week 3: Laser-Cut Mold for Biomaterials – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Fabrication.1, Fab-Design.1


Rachel Gibson
K-12 teacher


This tutorial will show you how to make a laser cut mold for a biomaterial. For this design, this mold will be used for making physical orthographic projections of given isometric drawing exercises (see the photo in the instructions). 


This is for the Fab Learning Academy Week 3 assignment.

What You'll Need

For designing the mold:

  • Inkscape
  • 1/8″ Birch Wood
  • Laser Cutter


For making the biomaterial:

  • 1 Cup — Water
  • 48 Grams (31 TSP) — Gelatin
  • 20 Grams (2 TBS) — Glycerol
  • Small Cooking Pot
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Parchment Paper
  • Binder Clips


The Instructions

Designing the Mold -- Inkscape

For this step, you should design your mold in a 2D design software, like Inkscape. For this design, my mold will be used for making physical orthographic projections of given isometric drawing exercises (see the photo in the instructions).

The mold itself will be modeled after various shapes used to make the different orthographic projections in the example below.



In Inkscape, import the photo above.

Then, trace the shapes in the bottom half of the photo using the Square/Rectangle shape tool.

You can draw overlapping squares to create the shape needed.


Afterwards, combine the shape to get an outline of the shape desired.

Select the shapes and click “Path” and then, “Union.” This will combine your drawn shapes into one shape.


Go through the the same process for all of the unique shapes on the page.

Next, select and resize the shapes to make them the appropriate size for the laser cutter you are working with.

Make sure to add a rectangular border around the shapes so the laser cutter cuts an outline around the mold.



The mold is now ready for laser cutting!

Prepare the Mold for the Biomaterial

Parchment paper is used for the biomaterial to sit on while it cures. The paper will be wrapped around another flat surface of your choice. It also helps with easy removal after pouring the biomaterial. The mold is secured using binder clips.

Wrap a piece of parchment paper around another flat surface and tape the parchment paper down.



Use binder clips to secure the mold on top of the flat surface.






Make the Biomaterial & Pour

The biomaterial should be made next and carefully poured into the mold.

For making the biomaterial the following ingredients were used:

  • 1 Cup — Water
  • 48 Grams (31 TSP) — Gelatin
  • 20 Grams (2 TBS) — Glycerol
  • Small Cooking Pot


The ingredients were first added to a small pot and mixed thoroughly.


Medium heat on the stove top was used and the ingredients were mixed until a consistent soup-like texture was achieved.


Use a small spoon to pour the biomaterial into each part of the mold.





Remove the Mold and Let the Biomaterial Dry

The biomaterial will eventually be removed from the mold so it can dry.

The biomaterial objects should cure on a piece of parchment paper after being removed from the mold. This will allow it to dry.



  • (Fab-Fabrication.1): I can follow instructor guided steps that link a software to a machine to produce a simple physical artifact.
  • (Fab-Design.1): I can be responsible for various activities throughout a design process within a group under instructor guidance.

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