Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Electronics.1, Fab-Design.1
Additional Contributors


Marilia Baquerizo
K-12 teacher
FAB Learning Academy


In this workshop, children of autistic spectrum condition between 8 and 15 years, perform STEAM projects in groups, especially related to robotics, electronics, digital design and programming. The lessons propose a journey from the real world to the digital world.


What You'll Need

Computers, main computer, projector and internet

Recycled materials

Softwares: Scratch and Sculptris 

Kits of MakeyMakey and LittleBits 

3D printer and 3D printing filament


The Instructions

Create a character - Physical world

*Co-design of a robot

Children’s draw the robot of their dreams (recognition). Each one contributes in the design of the robot.

Fabricate a character - Physical world

Children make a robot using recycled elements.

In this step, they learn about electricity and analog electronics. They develop manual skills.

Physical interactive systems - Physical world / Digital world

In this stage, they seek to understand the transition between the physical world and the digital world

Children learn about digital electronics, build physical interactive systems based on the little bit’s kit and assemble the little bit’s R2D2 robot kit.

Create a videogame - Digital world

This stage seeks for the child to identify similar processes used in the previous lessons for the physical world in the digital world.

Children learn about programming through Scratch programming language. They understand the logic behind an algorithm. They design a character, create a story and design their videogame based on the character and the story.

Virtual interactive systems - Digital world

Here we focus on the children build these systems algorithmically.

Through Scratch, they reinforce their knowledge in programming and develop small interactive projects with the use of the webcam or makey makey.

Digital design and fabrication - Digital world / Physical world

Here the learning of spatial skills around digital design and the ability of the child to materialize their creations is reinforced.

Finally to close the circle, at this stage we use digital 3D design and 3D printing so that children return from the digital world to the physical world.


  • (Fab-Programming.1): I understand the basic structure of a simple program and can modify values, variables, or other parameters to alter its output, function, or behavior.
  • (Fab-Electronics.1): I can follow instructions to build a simple electrical circuit using conductive material, basic components, and power.
  • (Fab-Design.1): I can be responsible for various activities throughout a design process within a group under instructor guidance.

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