Code & Play – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Electronics.1
Additional Contributors


Studio 5
Studio 5
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


Online workshop Introduces technology used in sport and how it improves the way sport are being practice and looks, Also we will practice coding and the types of coding in order to be introduced to Arcade console and how to code them.


What You'll Need

This track is unplugged, all its content is free and online.

  1. Arcade Platform
  2. Presentation.
  3. Swimming game
  4. cycling game
  5. running game


The Instructions

Day 1 (Introduction)

In this section we will mention sports in general and why do we celebrate a specific day in the year for the sport, and we will mention the activities of Studio 5\6 in the last year we celebrated the sport day in normal conditions as corona came and turned the world upside down.

1- We will start mentioning that we celebrate the Sport day as a promoting for the sport to educate the locals on ways to reduce health risks and promote for a healthier lifestyle.

2- Then we will mention the 2020 sport day when we participated as studio 56, in this day we managed to practice sport using technology.

3- Then we will define the meaning of sport, and we will try to interact with the participant in order to give them a space to say their opinions about sport and also to list some types of sport.

4- Then we will be asking them about their favourite sport.

5- Then we will list some types of sport.

6- Then we will discuss the word technology and what does it mean.

7- We will be discussing also the human and the technology he is creating and how does it make the life easier.

8- Then we will link the sport with the technology in order to clarify the purpose of using technology in the sport realm.

9- Then we will be asking the participant about the computer games and if it can be considered sport.

10- After that we will discuss programming and the types of coding used.

11- Then we will present a video describes what is coding.

12- Then we will be sharing to the participant what we will be doing today.


In this step we will be discussing consoles and how to code simple games on it, In order to build a basketball game. Here we will be using Microsoft ( Arcade ) Platform to code and to review the output.

1- We will start by showing the participant the platform, (How to reach it and how to create the project).


2- Give a name to your project.

3- Then we can start coding.

4- Then we will tell the participant the coding instructions we have in the platform.

5- Then we will start making this day code for (Basketball).

6- The first instruction we need for today is to make the background.

7- Then we will start painting the background.

8- After having the background ready we will start making the character.

9- Then after choosing the instruction we will be either drawing the character or we can choose from the already made assets.

10- We will stop at this point on this day.

Day 2

On this day we will continue at where we stopped in the previous day on making the basketball game.

1- We will start recapping what we delivered in the previous day mentioning how to access the platform and how we created the character.

2- We already stopped after making the character.

3- Now we need to explain the type beside each sprite we make.

4- Using this function we are categorizing the sprite we are making in order to assign the action to the type when it reaches or touches something, (We will be using this in building our conditions).

5- Now after finishing making the background and the character we will explain what is meant by the position and the velocity.

Position: Is the points represented by (X, Y) which refers to where the character is standing at the moment.

Velocity: Represent the speed with a direction (X: speed on X, Y: Speed on Y).

6- After explaining this we will start adding it to the game.

7- This is how the output is going to look like.

8- Then we will make the velocity of our character on the x-axis only, and we will add a condition to it to bounce on walls, and we need to make sure the position at the bottom of the screen.

9- Then we will create the basket to our game by making it as a sprite and give it a hoop type, and we will give it a position.

10- At this point that means we added the necessary to our character, and now we need to make the ball and assign a projectile type.

11- So here we will make the ball as a sprite and then assign it with projectile type, and we will assign it with a condition so when we press the button “A” The projectile will be thrown from our character.

12- This is the output.

13- Then we need to build our winning condition, “When the ball hits the basket of type hoop we will win”


14- At this point we are done making this game and it’s so important to Step-By-Step do each -instruction with the participant especially they are 7-10.

Day 3 ( Introduction )

In this day we will try to recap the previous days in rush to answer participant questions. We will also, introduce the participant to the triathlon as a competition contains 3 sports swimming, cycling, and running. This will be in order to make one game (swimming, cycling, or running). In our case we will make the swimming game.

1- We will start the session introducing the participant to the triathlon as a competition happens all over the world.

2- Then we will show the participant a video presenting what is the triathlon.

Video Link

3- Then we will ask the participant if they have previously been in a triathlon before.

4- As triathlon means three which is (swimming, cycling, running).

5- We will start by explaining swimming to the participant.

6- Then we will represent some used equipment in swimming.

7- Then we will ask the participant about any tech. Equipment they know for swimming.

8- Then we will show the participant some technology equipment that is used in swimming.

9- This cool tool is used as a trainer for the swimmer as it provide him with the needed instructions and tells him the most important information about his practice.

10- Then we will ask the participant if they have been to a swimming race before.


In this step we will show the participant what we will be doing as a practice in this day as we will make a swimming race using Arcade platform.

1- We will show the participant the steps to be done later on.

2- Then we will start by showing the needed code we have to build in our game.

3- Then we will show our character we need to build.

4- Then we will present them to a new thing they can build which is the tile map.

5- After that we will show the participant the codes needed to finalize the counter.


6- Finally we will show the participant the winning and loosing scenario we need to build.

8- Now lets start doing the steps one by one.

9- The first thing we need to do is to create a new project and name it.

10- The first thing we need to start doing is to create the characters and categorize them we need here to make sure that the character we will control to give it player type.

11- We can either paint the character or select it from the gallery.

12- Then we will make sure that the camera will follow this character by assigning this.

13- Then we will create the other characters and make sure to give them an enemy type to differentiate between what we will control and what the computer controls.

14- After these instructions you will be asked where is my character?

15- As you see the output screen shows the last character we created as the previous are covered behind this character and to show each character we need to give a position to each character.

16- Then we will make the tile map.

17- Then we will be drawing our tile map.

Note: It’s up to the participant to create his own tile map, but we will show him a case of how to draw one.

18- It’s so important to show the participant how to toggle between tiles and also how to choose the tiles type, Also How to create the walls as this option will activate Creating the wall which prevent the character from getting over the tile.


19- As shown the walls are represented as the tiles are shaded with red colour.

20- The rest will be delivered in the next day as the session for 7 – 10

Day 4

In this day we will continue making the swimming race, Also we will recap what we delivered in the previous day.

1- We will try to answer participant concerns, and we will try to solve any issue facing them.

2- Most of the participant will face almost the same issue which is building the tile map and making the walls.

3- Then we will continue making the race from where we stopped which is the tile map, and we will re-explain it to them.

4- Then we will give positions to each character we created we need also to keep in mind that names do affect the process, so we need to make sure that the name we enter should match the character we are affecting.

5- Participant here will ask regarding the position x and y, regarding knowing the difference as X- value change the drag on the x-axis and Y-value change the drag on the y-axis.

6- Then after finishing this they may ask for time to finish “At this point I recognized that they are still making the tile map so a bit longer space of time good for them to finalize”

7- After finishing the position and the tile map we will cover a new function which is the life bar and the count-down timer.

8- These instructions can be accessed from the info tag instructions.

  • Life bar represent the remaining chances for the player to try.
  • Count down timer can be used for any situation that an action is going to happen when the timer finish counting.

9- In our case we will use the timer to start the game, so we will add 3 sec as count down to the race and life bar of 3 chances.

10- Then we need to code the function after the counter finishes.

11- In my case I added the saying instructions and the controlling instructions.


12- The move my sprite with button instruction is the instruction needed for us to move our character and to add the needed velocity we have to activate this by pressing on the (+) sign.

13- For the enemy character the computer is going to control them, but the control is going to be dummy and in this case we will use the velocity instruction.

14- This is how our on countdown end function looks.

15- This is going to be the end for this day, but we should give them an overview regarding the next day which is going regarding making the winning scenario and coding the traps if we want to add.

Day 5

In this day we will recap yesterday progress, and we will hear from the participant regarding any issue they have faced to try helping and giving the needed feedback to enhance their coding skills. We will Also, Finalize the Coding of the swimming race we started by adding the winning scenario and the trap coding.

1- At the beginning we will recap the previous day instructions, and we will give a good space of time for the participant to share their issue, so we can try to enhance the participant skills by giving the needed feedback.

2- Then we will start completing what we already started in the previous 2 days which is making the swimming race, for today we will build the winning and loosing scenario, and we will also build the traps needed.

3- For the winning scenario we need to identify the finish tiles so the first to touch it wins, that’s means if the player we are controlling touch it first we win and if the enemy touch it we will lose.

4- To do so we need to add the overlapping instruction, and in this case we will understand the importance of giving the character the right type.

5- In my case the finish tiles are

6- So in the instruction we have two variable as input, the kind of character and the overlap shape

7- By doing this we assigned when to lose and when to win, so when the enemy touch the finish line we lose and when we touch it first we win. For the game over instruction we can find it in the game category and to add animation to the winning or losing we can press on the “+” sign to activate adding the animation.

8- For the traps we will add it to the tile map.

9- Then we will build the instructions for the Enemy and for the Player, So we will add the same overlap instruction.

10- Here we will change the life to decrease by 1, and we will change the position to get back to the same initial position. But it is also back to the participant to choose.

11- We will also make the same for the enemy instruction. \

11- By doing this we are done and the race is ready.

12- Then after having this done we will have a bit of good time to share with them how to build a console like so.


Share and Play

In this step we will show the participant how to make a console also we will show them how to share their work with their friends.

1- We will start by asking them a question here regarding the triathlon, If they would like to participate in a triathlon.

2- Then we will show them a video present a triathlon happened in Qatar in 2020.

Video Link

3- Then we will show them how to build an Arcade console, and we will show them a video presenting this console and how to build it.

Video Link

4- We will show them 3 types of different console they can make.

Video Link

Video Link

5- Then we will share some Links with the participant for games we built.




  • (Fab-Programming.1): I understand the basic structure of a simple program and can modify values, variables, or other parameters to alter its output, function, or behavior.
  • (Fab-Electronics.1): I can follow instructions to build a simple electrical circuit using conductive material, basic components, and power.

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