Bobble Head Craft Figurine – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Safety.1, Fab-Modeling.1, Fab-Fabrication.1, Fab-Design.1


Aidan Mullaney
Aidan Mullaney
Aidan Mullaney is the Instructional Manager for the GE/Celtics Brilliant Play Lab. His primary role with the Fab Foundation is developing and delivering curriculum for the middle school mobile lab. Aidan facilitates career-related activities with a focus on STEM in… Read More


Create a bobble head figure out of household materials. Apply digital fabrication skills by scanning your head and generating a 3D model of you!


Safety note: This activity requires the use of scissors and other sharp objects; parental supervision is advised.


What You'll Need

The Instructions

Cut the Roll

Using scissors, cut one roll 3 inches in length. This is the "body". Cut another 2 inches in length. This is the "head".

Cut the Skewer

Cut one section of skewer +3" inches in length and another +2" inches in length.