Onsite session aims towards delivering the knowledge of wearable technology in order to build an animated bracelet.
In this section, we will go through wearable technology and its types.
1- We will start by Ice breaking with the participant.
2- Then we will go through what is meant by wearables’ technology.
“Wearable are devices incorporated into items that can be comfortably worn on a body”.
3- Then we will go through the types of wearable are used and the purpose of using such tech.
“Wearable are used for the purpose of tracking information to be processed for farther analysis.”
4- We can ask the participant to provide an example of a wearable they might see or used?
5- Then we will go through the types of wearable have.
6- Then we will show a video regarding what is meant by wearables.
In this section we will go through the technologies associated with wearable technology.
1- We will ask the participant about their knowledge about what technology is associated with wearables.