Fabrication of a basic geodesic structure building block system kit using simple handcraft tools and recycled materials and bamboo sticks. The activity is targeted low income community classrooms educators, families and children and is designed to keep the economical, technological and cultural entry barrier as low as possible, allowing a high scalability.
Materials needed
Tools needed
A place where it is possible to take advantage of the technological infrastructure - as a workshop with a workbench, machines and analogue and digital manufacturing tools.
As hands-on activity, the intention is to prepare the space for quick access to materials and tools.
It is recommended to organize the participants in groups so they can share resources, besides being able to see and interact with the work of each others.
The tools and materials will be distributed among the groups. Alternatively, the entire stock of materials and tools can be organized on an additional central or side table so that participants can approach and choose which one to use.
Additional documentation of the project and this activity is available to download and share with the community on the website www.alquimetricos. com and in the community repository, https://github.com/alquimetricos/ Prepare the photo or video camera (a smartphone is usually enough) and try to document the activities of the pre-production, the step-by-step during the class and the final results.
If you use recycled materials, these may need some treatment: rubber tube or milk/juice boxes should be cut opened, washed and dried before starting. All recycled material should be clean and dry, such as advertising banner or truck tarpaulin. If you use blue jeans or denim fabric, these should be glued with white vinyl glue and dry at least 2 days before the activity. If you use EVA rubber and you do not get 4 mm or more, you can use 2 glued layers of 2mm, which also need to dry for at least 2 days before they are available for use.
The templates are the next pre-production that has to be done. You can download the vector files and cut with laser cutter, router or plotter, if you have access to this type of equipment and plate MDF, acrylic, paper or cardboard. Use our repository https://github.com/alquimetricos/Gabaritos/. You can also print the designs, paste and/or copy on a material such as cardboard to cut with scissors and make holes with the punch pliers. Ideally, produce the pair of pentagonal and hexagonal template per person. If you can not, produce one set of templates per group and start the activity by multiplying the templates in cardboard. To finalize the preproduction, prepare a visual guide to facilitate the autonomous production process of each group. Our assembly zines available in the repository https://github.com/alquimetricos/Zines-e-instrutivos
Everything ready to start the activity? Prepare the tools, materials and instructions in the space. The guides can be printed on paper, projected on a screen or also drawn on the blackboard. To begin, make a brief introduction of the objectives of the activity, allow the participants to introduce themselves (if they don’t known each other yet) and present their work context. Explain basic hygiene and safety measures and how tools are used correctly.
The actual activity is concretely started by marking the material using the template and a pilot marker. You can mark the holes in 1 every 2 or 3 connectors. When you are going to punch hole, you can stack several layers of connectors; counter-intuitively, it is simpler to punch several connections at the same time. You will need 12 pentagons to create an icosahedron.
Cut the connectors with the large scissors if the material allows it. Use the pruning shears if the material is very resistant.
Stack 2 to 4 connectors together and punch where the circles are marked.
We continue with the sticks: we need 30 units to mount an icosahedron. Cut the tips and decide if you will use the stick in the total length or if you will use, for example, half length. There is a 1:2 ratio between the length of the stick and the diameter of the icosahedron; For example, with sticks 25 cm long, you can mount an icosahedron 50 cm in diameter, approximately.
Assembly: Explain how the stick is inserted through the two holes of each connector and optionally hold using the elastic bands.
Follow the assembly instructions: first with a connector and a stick
Then 4 sticks in the remaining holes
Next, insert another 5 connectors at the ends of those sticks
Follow with another 5 sticks between the available connectors to reach the pentagonal base pyramid. To maintain the logic of the geometry of the icosahedron, do not skip holes
Continue adding 10 sticks in the previous connectors
Add another 5 connectors to reach the height of the icosahedron
Insert 5 more sticks into the connectors that have just been integrated to complete the dome or geodesic dome
With 5 more sticks and a connector, finish the construction of the icosahedron or geodesic sphere of frequency 1. Congratulations, your first Alquimétricos geodesic structure is ready!
Make a final conversation with the participants to share their impressions and experiences of the class. Identify what use each teacher would give to this didactic resource and invite them to reproduce the process with their classes and colleagues.
Step 1 – Prepare the materials. If you use recycled materials, these should be cut opened, washed and dried before the start of the activity.
Step 2 – Prepare the templates by printing and gluing this design on 3 mm cardboard or MDF, or cutting as many connectors as you want directly with the laser cutter or cutting plotter .
Step 3 – Prepare the room for easy access to materials and tools
Step 4 – Mark the material using the template or other alquimétricos connector that is ready
Step 5 – Cut the material with scissors
Step 6 – Punch the connectors with pliers. You can stack several layers to save time and effort.
Step 7 – Cut the tips of the sticks and adjust the measurement according to the desired size of icosahedron
Better read this to avoid lose of time, materials and participants attention!!
Like all maker activity, the construction of the final object shows the success of the process. However, there are intermediate instances of evaluation
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