
Giant educational breadboard

During the first course of Arduino we introduce the children to the use of an Arduino and breadboard.   In order to do this we start with a general overview…

June 28, 2019
Waving droid

In this lesson students are going to learn about basic electronics and basic programming and apply the received knowledge in making the waving droid project following the engineering design process…

June 28, 2019
Make your Fan Smart

In this Workshop students will learn how to make Automatic Fan ON & Off by detecting Temp. by using Arduino, Relay, Temp. Sensor. Students will learn what is Arduino, Inputs…

June 28, 2019
Water Dispenser

In this Workshop students will learn how to make Water Dispenser to avoid water wastage. Learning objectives are –     To motivate students for group discussion –     To think on water scarcity problems…

June 28, 2019
Electronic Complaint Box

In this workshop students will learn to make a Electronic Complaint Box with Arduino. Students learn concepts of electronics and Arduino programming by their own Electronic Complaint Box. Along with this…

June 28, 2019
Clap Switch

In this workshop students will learn to make a Clap Switch with Arduino. Students learn about electronics and programming by creating their own Clap switch.  Students will study the elements…

June 28, 2019
Digital Height Measurement

In this workshop student will learn how to make Digital device. For this they learn Bluetooth module, arduino, Sensors to make their imagination into real life with the help of…

June 28, 2019
Portable Mobile Charger.

In this workshop students will learn to make a Solar based Portable Mobile charger. Students learn about Solar Energy creating their own Solar based Portable Mobile charger. Students will study the…

June 28, 2019
Fab Lab Mini Siege Engines

In this project you will be working in small teams to create a device capable of throwing a ping pong ball.   The device must be made with (and only…

June 27, 2019
Adapt or Die

Students will simulate the evolution of a fictional bird species, the Bartulina, as it adapts from a rather sedentary land based bird to a far-soaring fierce hunter of aquatic life.…

June 27, 2019
Thaumatrope, the illusion of movement

This practical workshop introduces the student to digital fabrication, traditional animation and optical illusions. We will present the basic notions of object´s personalization and how optical illusions work by creating…

June 27, 2019
Open Source Resources for Teaching Synthetic Biology in Low-Resource Settings

Despite the wealth of teaching resources available on the internet, there is a lack of good quality resources for teaching synthetic biology concepts in low resource settings. At the same…

June 27, 2019