
Heating Up!: Wearable Device Designer

Students are challenged to both program an Arduino and engineer a circuit to measure a player’s temperature. In pairs, students will practice both computer and electrical engineering. Groups will simulate…

January 31, 2019
All Tied Up: Wearable Device Designer

Students are challenged to develop a wearable shoelace device. The device should both keep the wearer’s shoelaces tied and be easily removable. The lesson uses 2D vector design software and…

January 28, 2019
Learn to Program in C++ with Arduino

A large part of learning Arduino for most people, is getting started with coding. These lessons offer explorations of some of the core concepts of reading and writing Arduino code.

December 31, 2018
Finding Fibonacci in the Helicone

Leonardo of Pisa (c.1170–c.1250), also known as Fibonacci, is often considered the most talented mathematician of the Middle Ages. In this lesson students discover the mystical nature of the famous…

November 9, 2018
DIY Adinkra Symbols with 3D Printing

Students create custom Adinkra symbols using a variety of different methods including low-tech art supplies and digital fabrication machines including a 3D printer and vinyl cutter. After completing the ELA…

July 13, 2018
Child Designed Furniture

Creating classroom furniture with children is one example of a successful scaffolded fabrication activity that can be an empowering experience for young children. This experience includes adults working alongside children…

May 31, 2018
Technical 3D Modeling

This project will promote learning digital fabrication using the constructionist learning theory, providing students space to learn through open-ended project-based experiences and helping students understand the real world value of…

November 20, 2017
DIY Lego Accessories

The goal of this lesson is to use the design process to create accessories compatible with LEGO minifigures. The advantage of this lesson is that the objects can be modeled…

November 13, 2017
Imaginary Village

Students will use TinkerCAD to create imaginary houses or buildings using basic geometric shapes. At the end of the lesson, each student will have their 3D printed building. Together, students…

November 13, 2017
Make Your Own Cookie Cutter

In this lesson students will design custom cookie cutters in 3D modeling software and then 3D print them to produce a functional object.

November 13, 2017
Circuit Exploration

Children are fascinated and engaged by toys that light up and move. This lesson is an example of how teachers can take advantage of this fascination by combining digital fabrication…

November 13, 2017
The Oresmian Coordinate System – Bridge

In this lesson, students are guided in a structured learning activity (building a 3D bridge). Students go through an iterative process to learn how designs can be developed and improved…

November 13, 2017