
FLA week 3: Biomaterials + laser cutter

Here I will describe my experiences with the creating a laser cut mould and cooking some biomaterials.

May 22, 2023
FLA Week 4: Classroom Tool Design

Introducing students to Inkscape and laser cutting as well as a personalized artifact for the classroom

May 22, 2023
FLA Week 3: Laser cutter mold

Design a mold and fabricating the mold using a laser cutter. After which a bio material is made and poured into the mold fabricated.

May 22, 2023
FLA Week 4: Classroom Tool Design

This lesson is about creating a 3d mini house using 2D acrylic cut parts

May 19, 2023
FLA Week 4: Making Music Box using Laser Cutter

Introduction of Digital Fabrication Tools to K-12 students by making music box using laser cutter. Understanding the concept of sound making from the music box by using the drum and…

May 19, 2023
FLA Week2: Vinyl Cut Sticker

Students are introduced to the usage of vinyl cutter to design a cell organelle. Through which students will be more familiarized with the process of designing using CAD software like…

May 17, 2023
FLA Week2: Vinyl cut sticker

  I searched a few options to make a sticker to laptop, where it would seek attention and interest to maker attitude.   When I was searching ideas, I found…

May 16, 2023
FLA-week 3: Laser cutter and biomaterials

This week we had to create amold using laser cutter and as a group assignment we had to cook our own material and pour it in our molds. I used…

May 15, 2023
FLA Week 3: Laser-Cut Mold for Biomaterials

This tutorial will show you how to make a laser cut mold for a biomaterial. For this design, this mold will be used for making physical orthographic projections of given…

May 14, 2023
FLA Week 3 – biomaterials

Creating a mold with laser cutter, cooking biomaterial and casting it.

May 14, 2023