
FLA Week2: Vinyl Cut Sticker

Creative possibilities with the vinyl cutter.   The process described takes action in an action plan called “Fab Lab Club” where a group of students is building a maker community…

June 29, 2023
Create a model in Wood using Laser Cutter

Use the existing design of a box from box maker to import and explore the use of laser cutter to cut the design out.  

June 29, 2023
Design and make a logo using Inkscape software and Vinyl Printing machine respectively

Students can design and make an interesting logo using Inkscape and Vinyl cutter. At the end of the lesson, Students can: Use some unique features of Inkscape to create a…

June 29, 2023
FLA week 4: boxes!

  i. Could you propose one or two ideas on how you can use in your classes: 1. Digital fabrication with kids using the laser cutter Ask the students to…

June 28, 2023
FLA week3: biomaterials and lasercut

I did some Penrose teselation tiles in laser so I wanted to cast inside biomaterials. Wasn’t as successful as expected in part because the fablab was flooded that day.  …

June 28, 2023
FLA Week4: 3D modelling tool

Use a 3D software to design and fabricate a pen holder.

June 23, 2023
FLA Week 2 Vinyl Cutter Assignment

FLA Week 2 Vinyl Cutter Assignment

June 5, 2023
FLA Week 4: Classroom Tool Design

This tutorial will show you how to make a laser cut organizer box from wood. This classroom tool was made in order to be able to organize small objects, such…

May 24, 2023
FLA Week 4: Classroom Tool Design

Use inkscape and the laser cutter to design a personalized artefact.

May 23, 2023
FLA Week 4: Classroom Tool Design

Making a box for small items

May 22, 2023
FLA week 4: Laser cutting for the sake of it

In the previous assignment I already made a 3D object out of 2D pieces, so this week I have explored engraving and live hinges.

May 22, 2023