Liz Whitewolf [email protected]
Liz Whitewolf has a passion for integrating digital fabrication technologies equitably in schools for students, teachers, and other stakeholders in formal and informal education. Formerly the K-12 Education Director for Fab Foundation, Liz is now the Founding Director of eduFAB, an organization dedicated to catalyzing this toolset in education across the globe. A graduate of FAB Academy, Liz opened an educational Fab Lab in Pittsburgh, PA, in 2015, eventually expanding the program to include two mobile fab lab units in addition to the museum-based makerspace. Liz served as Senior Director of STEM Education at Carnegie Science Center and previously was a classroom teacher and out of school time educator in robotics, computer programming, and engineering. Currently Liz is pursuing her Ed.D. in STEM Education at the University of Pittsburgh researching teacher professional development in digital fabrication integration. Liz and her family are all makers and spend time experimenting and creating projects in their garage-based Fab Lab in their Pittsburgh home.
To meet 1:1 with Liz, schedule here.