Martin Oloo
I am a co-founder and Managing Director of Fablab Winam. The Fablab based in Western region of Kenya and is independently based but freely collaborates with Learning Institutions and companies.
I have a background in Social Work and Digital Fabrication. My Fablab has capabilities of Laser cutting, Vynil cutting, 3D printing, CNC routing and PCB milling. We have a fully functional electronic bench. Among our staff are Mechatronics Engineers, Electronics Engineer, Lab Technician among others
Lesson Plans
The lesson aims to introduce students to Reusing and Recycling of waste in creating their own products or toys in…
June 28, 2019
CAD, electronics, 2D design software, 2D and 3D design software, laser cutter, Vinyl Cutter, Hand Tools, Recycled Material, 2D Design concepts, Chevron STEM Awards, toys, schematic drawings, cardboard, motion, geometry, electricity, environmental science, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Stewardship, New Value