Brandon Prentice
Brandon Prentice is a fabrication teacher and instructional coach for the Trinity-Area School District, located in southwestern Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of California University of Pennsylvania, earning his BS and MEd in Technology Education. A major part of his duties at Trinity-Area School District is to oversee operations and professional development of the fabrication labs, virtual lab classrooms, and other technology programs. Fab Academy Graduate 2017
Lesson Plans
The purpose for this lesson is to teach grades 11 12 students the concepts of transistors while also introducing electronics…
December 9, 2019
CAD, CNC, electronics, 3D printer, 2D design software, 3D Design Software, CNC Milling, Vinyl Cutter, Soldering Iron, Vinyl Printer/Cutter, KiCad, 3D printing, 3D modeling, soldering, schematic drawings, electricity, CNC Milling, Ohm's Law, Electronics, CNC, Electronics Production, Electronics Design, Vinyl Printer/Cutter, KiCad, Transistors
This lesson is all about showing grades 9 12 students the essentials of fabrication and programming to create their own…
November 17, 2019
CAD, CNC, electronics, 2D design software, 3D Design Software, Laser cutter, Arduino, 2D and 3D design software, laser cutter, CNC Milling, Soldering Iron, 2D Design concepts, Intro to Fab Lab, shopbot, soldering, inkscape, 2D vector graphics, programming, light, 2D vector design software, Electronics, CNC
Experiment with the science behind drone flight as grades 9 12 students design fabricate and build their own indoor drone…
November 17, 2019
Sand molded casting is a metal casting process characterized by using nbsp sand as the nbsp mold material The term…
February 13, 2019
Students will be given an amplifier/speaker kit to assemble and solder Students will also create a casing for this circuit…
November 9, 2017
CAD, CNC, electronics, 3D printer, 2D design software, 3D Design Software, Laser cutter, 2D and 3D design software, laser cutter, CNC Milling, Soldering Iron, 2D Design concepts, KiCad, 3D printing, soldering, sound, 2D vector graphics, 2D vector design software, Ohm's Law, Electronics, CNC, laser cut, Experiment Design, Electronics Production, Electronics Design, KiCad