Bobble Head Craft Figurine – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab-Safety.1, Fab-Modeling.1, Fab-Fabrication.1, Fab-Design.1


Aidan Mullaney
Aidan Mullaney
Aidan Mullaney is the Instructional Manager for the GE/Celtics Brilliant Play Lab. His primary role with the Fab Foundation is developing and delivering curriculum for the middle school mobile lab. Aidan facilitates career-related activities with a focus on STEM in… Read More


Create a bobble head figure out of household materials. Apply digital fabrication skills by scanning your head and generating a 3D model of you!


Safety note: This activity requires the use of scissors and other sharp objects; parental supervision is advised.


What You'll Need

The Instructions

Cut the Roll

Using scissors, cut one roll 3 inches in length. This is the "body". Cut another 2 inches in length. This is the "head".

Cut the Skewer

Cut one section of skewer +3" inches in length and another +2" inches in length.

Find or Create a Spring

Remove the spring from the click pen. If a click pen is not available, roll a 4-5 inch long wire (low gauge) around the skewer to create a spring.

Tape the Roll

Wrap the "body" roll in tape. Cover just the top similarly with tape.

Decorate the Rolls

Using markers, pipe cleaners, and any additional craft materials, decorate the "body" and "head" to make the bobble head come alive!