Engineer a mini T-shirt cannon out of a toilet paper roll and rubber bands to shoot marshmallows at a target or into a crowd!
Safety note: This activity requires the use of scissors and other sharp objects; parental supervision is advised. Items created in connection with this video should not be pointed at eyes or face.
Decide which materials to use for the T-shirt cannon. This lesson will use a toilet paper roll, plastic bottle cap, paper clip, and marshmallows.
Create two small holes opposite of each other at one end of the roll with scissors or thumb tacks. SAFETY NOTE: use care when puncturing holes with sharp objects.
Puncture two small holes in the plastic bottle cap with scissors or a precision screwdriver. SAFETY NOTE: use care when puncturing holes with sharp objects.
Cut one of the rubber bands and tie a double knot at the end. Alternatively, tie a knot to an aluminum can top.
Insert the non-knotted end of the rubber band through one hole of the toilet paper roll from the exterior. Next, insert the same end through the top of the plastic bottle cap. Hook the second rubber band to the first under the cap bottom. Then, place the loose end of first rubber band through the open hole of the cap.
Place the loose end of the first rubber band through the open toilet paper roll hole from the interior. Once through, tie a double knot to the end of the rubber band . Space the cap evenly along the rubber band to ensure it doesn't catch the inside walls of the roll.
Attach the paper clip to the roll. Bend the larger loop of the paper clip at a 90 degree angle. The paper clip serves as both a helpful aiming tool and fastener for the second rubber band when restocking with t-shirts/ marshmallows.
Test out the newly assembled t-shirt cannon by launching marshmallows at a target or into a crowd!
Create a sticker decal for the side of your mini T-shirt cannon. Using Inkscape, a vector graphic software, design a sticker that fits along the side of the cylinder.
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