Learn how to make a cardboard backboard out of household materials. Once assembled, complete the attached statistics worksheet and see how many shots you can make. Apply digital fabrication skills by designing your backboard in CAD and vector software.
Safety note: This activity requires the use of scissors and other sharp objects; parental supervision is advised.
Bend the wire hanger in half in the opposite direction of the top hook. Form a circle with the overlapping wire. Place the loop around the top hook of the hanger to finish the rim.
Measure the diameter of the rim. Using this measurement, calculate the width and height of the backboard: The backboard width is 4x the diameter of the rim. The backboard height is 2 â…” or 2.66x the diameter of the rim. Cut the cardboard using the measurements. Color or tape the boarders of the backboard.
The inner rectangle width is 1 â…“ or 1.33x the diameter of the rim and the height is the equal to measurement of the rim. Find the mid-point of the backboard and place a dot at this point. Center the inner rectangle above the mid-point, slightly higher than the boarder of the backboard.