Students will demonstrate an understanding of measuring distance (using and converting EU and/or US measurement systems) while also writing a code that will effectively move their robot.
This lesson includes 6 steps:
Demonstrate an understanding of units of measurement related to short distances/length.
Create an algorithm that moves your robotic.
Practice transversal skills such as planning, self-regulating, cooperation and self-reflection.
-Units of measurement - Robotics - building and programming
Introduce concepts of measurement – weight/length/capacity and practice converting units of like measurement.
Introduce robotics – allow students the opportunity to follow directions to build the robot and the basics of coding to make the robot move.
What do students know about measurement - terms and units? Check for understanding.
Build a robotic and learn the basics of programming it to move.
Write - Test - Rewrite
Race Robotics and Measure Distance
What worked? What changes would you make next time? Measurement conversion...
Build upon prior learning
Add more conversion opportunities – different types of measurement.
Add time – time the race to see which robot is fastest!
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