Learning the IPO principle through a house automation model – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Subjects *
Age Ranges *


Pierre Rößner


This lesson is based on Studio 5’s “Eco House” model. Available at: https://www.scopesdf.org/scopesdf_lesson/eco-house/


Students learn about the IPO principle and how some new electronic components work. Using this knowledge, they build a model of an automated lighting system for a house from a given circuit diagram. The learning progress is assessed at the end of the lesson with a kahoot.

What You'll Need

1- Pre-cut paper house. –> LINK

2- Conductive Tape.

3- Transistor.

4- Resistors.

5- Batteries.

6- LED’s.

7- LDR.

8- Presentation

Learning Objectives

  • The students learn the basics of the IPO principle and apply them to a circuit they have built themselves.



I learned that it is probably easier for trained pupils to create electrical circuits by soldering except for using conductive tape. Conductive tape is a great alternative though for those who haven’t learned it yet.

The Instructions


Students listen to you presentation and take notes especially about the components.

Listen to the presentation and take notes.

The Circuit

Students get sheet with the circuit and a ist of the components.

Cut the sheet for the house and use the conductive tape to build the circuit. It works when LEDs glow while LDR gets no light.


If they don’t, check the connections or turn the potentiometer.

Assessment - kahoot

Students answer the questions in the kahoot. Link: https://create.kahoot.it/details/cc7045b7-2fb0-498f-a8f5-f71449702413

Answer the quuestions in the kahoot. Your grade will depend on the correct answers.


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