This lesson is designed to help students review the various genres they’ve learned about and to create some excitement about reading outside their comfort zone.
Prior to this lesson students have learned about a variety of fiction genres. In our 3rd grade classrooms teachers have assigned students a reading grid or quilt which lists the genres they study. Each student must read at least one book from each genre by the end of term.
In addition to creating the genre plate for the spinner wheel, corresponding genre bins of books are created to help students with their selection. If your library or classroom is genrefied this will be unnecessary.
To begin the lesson the teacher spins the wheel and has children define the various genres. Once the review is complete students take turns at the wheel. I set it up for one spin per student. Whatever the marker lands on is the category they must choose from. If they wish to check out more than one book they can spin another time. Our wheel has a free space which made the spinning extra fun. In successive weeks students asked to spin the wheel for “fun,” “to help decide what book to get,” “for the dare of it!”
It would be very simple to adopt this idea for any subject by changing the names of the sections.
Students will learn about different literary genres and will be able to identify particular characteristics for that genre.
Student will discover browse books in a variety of genres to find a books to read
3-4 By the end of fourth grade, students will continue to work on previous standards as necessary and will also be able to: 8.10 Recognize various genres of literature. 8.11 Demonstrate awareness of literature from various cultures and genres. e.g. fairy tales, folklore, myths and legends, poetry.
Creating the correct laser cutting files continues to be a barrier to my making. Finding the time, support or even deciding which program I am going to use is a struggle. It was quite satisfying to finally get something close to what I was aiming for. As I have said before, I am amassing a large score on the growth mindset front.
How do you think digital fabrication improves the activity vs utilizing traditional methods? What is the extra value?
I think the quality of the product improves the activity once you get there. There is empowerment in learning how to use these powerful tools. The speed of these tools is also helpful. The ability to try something and have it not work out is somewhat low risk.
What are some challenges you expect when you do the activity with your class?
Skill building will be a challenge. My learning curve. Time. Always time.
What did you learn during the fabrication process?
I am beginning to build some of the skills needed in creating the digital files. I learned a good amount about the differences of cut types and marking them. I also experimented with different paper material and found what kind of engraving was and was not possible. Going back to my roots and remembering that I didn’t have to build the spinner from scratch when I had a perfectly good spinner I could riff on was important. Ultimately, I don’t think this is a slam dunk of a project for me. As I gain confidence I am hoping I will be able to generate some richer ideas.
Students will gather around the Wheel of Genre and both define and discuss all the genres listed on the wheel.
Either spin the wheel and discuss genres randomly or intentionally select each genre to review.
After the review call children up individually to spin the wheel and then have them select a book of that genre from prepared bins.
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