Plantpedia App – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

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Studio 5
Studio 5
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


In this workshop, participants are going to learn about the basics of programming and mobile app development. They will be using their knowledge of plants and the environment in addition to flowcharts and block coding to create a functional prototype.

What You'll Need

Computer, Internet connection.


Lesson Plan EN

Lesson Plan AR

The Instructions



1- Introduce the participants to Studio 5.

2- Introduce the participants to the concept of smart city and smart citizen.

3- Show the participants a video about the influence of mobile app development.


Ask participants what the meaning of programming is.

5- Introduce the participants to Thunkable platform then show a small video about Thunkable.

6- Introduce participants to flowcharts and show them the flowchart of the app we are creating.

7- Show the participant the user interface of our app.

8- introduce the participant to some of the main UI elements and main blocks that can be used in Thunkable.



1- Show participants Thunkable platform and its main feature.

2- Desing the user interface of the app with the participants.

3- import all the assets needed for the app.

4- Start coding the first screen by initializing the needed variables.

5- Code the on screen start and on-screen open handlers.

6-Code the search button handler and make it navigate to the next screen after validating the user input.

7- initialize the variables of the second screen.

8- Code the on screen opens handler.

9- Create the find plant function and code it.

10- Code the back button.

11- Challenge participants to find ways to optimize the app and improve it.


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