STEM Calendar



School is coming to an end but that doesn’t mean your students STEM education has to. Start planning for a summer full of making, building, experimenting, and fun! In this resources you will find 20 lessons on design, programming, virtual reality, biology, art, and so much more. Foster your students creativity and exploration of STEM from one day lessons to 10 day workshops.

Explore our 20 Summer Camp activities and lessons below!

1. SUMMER & WINTER CAMP BY Catalina Cortazar

This Summer and winter camps aims to introduce kids to the FabLab concept and digital technologies. There are 10 days of workshops, where the following topics are covered: Sewing, 2D and 3D modelling, programming, tools and materials, sustainability, electronics, and video editing. All of them are taught using open source softwares. In the lesson details and plan there is a summary of each of the days lesson.


During this lesson, students will work together on engineering design challenges and station-based activities for approximately 75 minutes each day. Day 1 will focus on the developmentally-appropriate design process: Think, Make, Try. Students will: Think about the problem; Make a prototype; and Try and retry until they show some success. Day 2 will focus on tool and material exploration. Day 3 will focus on combining knowledge of process and tools to complete a more open-ended design challenge.

3. AI CAMP BY Sarah Boussaa

The workshop will teach kids about AI and Machine learning. They will learn how we can train the machine (Laptop in this case) to respond to their input in the correct way and play a sound, display a GIF, or read a text. They will use a tool called “Teachable Machine” for this workshop.


Fabricating shoes presents fun opportunities for student to learn principles from design and mathematics while they explore digital fabrication process such as 3D modeling for 3D printing, laser cutting for mold making and casting, along with sewing, sketching, and making assemblies.

In this one-week intensive project the students are challenged with a variety of design and production tasks that can be linked with simple yet foundational mathematics. From their rubber outsoles to their foam insoles to their fabric uppers shoes embody complex geometric forms and assemblies that necessitate challenging degrees of volumetric and material-based thinking. Digital fabrication methods empower students to iteratively work between digital and analog representations.


In this online camp, participants will need to attend 5 days, each day they will have to attend a one-hour class to learn about 3D design, 3D scanning, and digital manufacturing.


In the Future of Jobs workshop our aim is to facilitate children to reflect on their skills and passions in view of imagining interdisciplinary futures concerning their professional identities. The workshop consists of a series of creative activities through which the participants are encouraged to use their imagination in order to speculate future professional identities in a futuristic “think outside of the box” manner. This process includes designed prompts like the passion map template and the future worlds catalogue designed to trigger their imagination and help them initiate their own personal speculative scenarios that reflect their individual skills and interests. The “one day scenario” template serves as a creative guide aimed to help them organise their thoughts and hence start constructing a more refined view of a possible future identity. Finally, the last part of the workshop is the “making a magic machine for their future job”, an activity that allows for hands-on experimentation and unfiltered creativity which facilitates them to unlock their imaginative barriers and think outside of current professional paradigms.

7. Scrabble Tile Nametags by Danielle Martin (ELA)

Learners will further develop their self portrait by identifying skills they have or want to gain, especially those that will make them leaders or useful to their teammates on group projects, by creating a name tag. Learners will also further explore the tools and materials created using Makerspace tools, and start safely using basic arts and crafts hand tools for measuring and glueing.

8. MAKE A SUNDIAL by CITC Fab Lab (Math/Science)

Students will use fab lab tools to create a custom sundial for their area and learn how to mark it with important yearly events.

9.  Wild Creatures by Cameron Bass (Geometry)

In this lesson, students will create an animal using the basic shapes found in TinkerCAD. Students will construct their animals using paper and pencil before transferring their compositions to TinkerCAD. Upon completion of their compositions, students will export their files and email them to their instructor for 3D printing.

10. DIGITAL ARCHERY by Studio 5/6 (VR)

In this track we will introduce the sport in Islam as a religion encouraged practicing sports. We will introduce some of the technology that can involve in sport like Virtual Reality.


Students will learn about electricity and build a simple circuit with a switch using some very simple materials.

12. BUTTERFLY DESIGNER by Jessica Brennan (Biology)

This is a lesson to help students recall the different parts of a butterfly’s anatomy while also working on creating a finished product with a vinyl cutter. This is meant to be used during a unit where students are learning about butterflies as a hands-on project to support learning.

13. BOBBLE HEAD CRAFT FIGURINE By Aidan Mullaney (Engineering)

Create a bobble head figure out of household materials. Apply digital fabrication skills by scanning your head and generating a 3D model of you!

14. PROJECT NIGHTLIGHT By Fab Foundation (Computer Programming)

Students will study the elements and principles of design and understand how they are used to create a 3D printed computer programmable night light. In this lesson, students will conceptualize and then turn their ideas into real-life models of nightlights that work.

15. THROUGH THE LENS OF AN ARTIST By Sarah Wallace (Art)

Students will research a famous artist and piece of artwork before painting their own wooden glasses made with a laser and adding lenses to create a piece of art!

16. Wearable Compass by Studio 5/6 (Computer Programming)

Online Unplugged lesson plan focus on delivering the wearable technology been used these days and how it plays a marvelous role in making life easier.

17. ADAPT OR DIE By Danny Smith (Science)

Students will simulate the evolution of a fictional bird species, the Bartulina, as it adapts from a rather sedentary land based bird to a far-soaring fierce hunter of aquatic life. As students watch evolution happen before their very eyes, they will learn how genetic mutations can help a species adapt….or die.

18. Mask Making By CITC Fab Lab (Art)

This lesson takes the classical mask making style of the indigenous people of Alaska and combines it with tech-based lessons that include design, spacial reasoning, and math! These masks can be made in a more traditional method or with a modern twist. The key is to get students interested in how they want the overall image to look before splitting out the layers.

19. Make Your Own Cookie Cutter By Fab Foundation (Design)

In this lesson students will design custom cookie cutters in 3D modeling software and then 3D print them to produce a functional object.

20. ELECTRONICS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT – PIANO By Supriya (Vigyan Ashram) (Engineering)

We use a piano in our traditional event which has plastic button. After pressing button we can hear sound of swaras (SA,RE,GA,MA,PA,DHA,NI,SA) instead of this type of piano we can use touch sensor instead of button.

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