Here I will describe my experiences with the creating a laser cut mould and cooking some biomaterials.
Kitchenware: pot, stove, stirrer, scales, mixing bowls, measuring jar.
Ingredients: vinegar, glycerin, gelatin, corn starch, used coffee grinds.
Tools: laser cutter, 2D design software
Materials: 3mm acrylic sheet
Autocad was used to design a 3D object (a reindeer) made from 2D parts.
Using an online image as reference, I drew the 4 pieces that make the reindeer: body, 2 sets of legs, antlers and ears. I used Autocad to do this. I exported a .dxf file.
Laser cut the design
Using a laser cutter I cut my design. The cut out pieces will be my 3D object for the coming assignment, the remains, my mould. I cut it in 2 different sizes. My goal is to obtain replicas of the 2 reindeer made from biomaterials.
Follow the recipes to cook some biomaterials.
I tried 2 different recipes to cook 2 biomaterials. One of the recipes is in the images.