A Letter to the Community – SCOPES-DF
News and Events

A Letter to the Community

Hello all!

As the year comes to an end, we would like to thank you for all the content you have shared and continue to share with this growing community of practice. In this post, we would like to update you on our team and share our plans for the new year. 

The Fab Foundation is in the process of creating a new vision, and the Education Team is embarking on new adventures. As the Foundation reimagines our education work, our team takes on new roles and challenges in the new year. 

Aidan Mullaney moved to Atlanta this fall with his fiance, Lily, to explore new professional opportunities. He actively seeks work with Atlanta philanthropic foundations to advance innovative educational initiatives. Aidan remains an avid supporter of digital fabrication integration into secondary education environments. Aidan is always happy to talk about his work with the mobile, middle & high school Brilliant Career Lab and invites you to connect. To reach Aidan regarding previous or new projects, email him at [email protected].

Liz Whitewolf is continuing her candidacy at the University of Pittsburgh while earning her EdD in STEM Education. She is excited to continue her passion for bringing digital makerspace technologies to teachers in the K-12 space. She is the Founding Director of eduFAB, a resource-sharing organization working to integrate digital makerspaces into formal education worldwide. We invite you to join this new endeavor by visiting the eduFAB website or emailing her at [email protected].

In celebration of International Education Day, the Fab Foundation is sponsoring eduFAB and a team of international education stakeholders to bring together educators worldwide to share best practices, inspiration, and creative solutions for using digital fabrication technologies to support student learning. On January 28, 2022, please join us for the Fab Educators Summit, a virtual international conference. This first annual fab education summit is brought to you by a team of international educators who will feature speakers and presenters from various programs worldwide. Classroom teachers, administrators, makerspace managers, and out-of-school educators will have opportunities to make connections and share practical ideas and innovations in using digital technologies for learning across the curriculum, into the communities you serve, local and global! Be sure to register today!

Last, Alethea Campbell, aka me (haha), is excited to begin the year, concentrating on my love of making and hoping to join the Fab Academy Class of 2022. In the new year, you can find me supporting eduFAB with the Fab Educators Summit. Additionally, I will continue exploring digital fabrication and making opportunities in the K-12 space. My brainpower and energy are consumed by dreaming of ways to bring this work to change public education in the states and create policies to add making and digital fabrication in public classrooms. I would love to hear from you and invite you to schedule a time to chat or email me at [email protected].

You will be hearing from the Fab Foundation’s new Maker Fellow working with us courtesy of Citizen Schools, Abigail Barton, in the future. She is excited to share a new collection (coming soon) and blog posts about the exciting work coming soon. And stay tuned for additions to the Studio 5/6 Collection and much more to come.

We invite you to continue to visit us here and upload new lessons, remix, or download lessons of interest. Fab Foundation will continue to monitor your excellent lesson additions.

Overall, we are excited to see this work’s new directions. And, as a good friend said to me as my eyes were swelling with love-filled tears, “…this is not “Goodbye,” it’s a “See You Soon!”

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